Addresses and phones of hospitals in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Addresses and phones of hospitals in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Here is a list of all hospitals in Calgary, Canada, with addresses and phone numbers:

Alberta Children's Hospital


1820 Richmond Rd SW, Calgary, AB T3B 5C9

Phone Number:

(403) 955-8000

Foothills Medical Centre


1403 29 St SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2V6

Phone Number:

(403) 943-3000

Rockyview General Hospital


7007 14 St SW, Calgary, AB T3E 6A8

Phone Number:

(403) 943-3000

Peter Lougheed Centre


8445 11 St SW, Calgary, AB T2V 4N1

Phone Number:

(403) 943-3000

Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre


601 12 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1A5

Phone Number:

(403) 943-3000

South Health Campus


1010 29 St SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2V6

Phone Number:

(403) 943-3000
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